Your First Steps Into Fitness

Taking the first step into your health and fitness journey is mostly intimidating and nerve racking. Will I look silly? What happens if I do the wrong workout? Can I be bothered? What and how do I work this equipment? Will I actually get any benefit from this? Is it worth it? WOW, it’s like I’m reliving it……

Let’s get a little background before we start. I’ve now been working in the fitness industry for over 10 years, the last 6 years as a personal trainer. However, I remember the first day nerves.

So, here we go! Day one, I signed up to my local gym and attended a free 30 minute personal training session, you know, the one that gets you “in the door” and “shows you the ropes”. This for sure brought all the questions we asked firmly to the front of my mind! I remember walking in not having a scooby doo what to expect. Nerves? Yes! All I knew was I wanted to learn how to use the gym and gain a positive result from attending. The trainer welcomed me and began to design a programme that best suited me. I remember after the session walking down the street feeling empowered and motivated to achieve the goals set within the free session. Why was I nervous? I guess it’s a natural reaction to the unknown. So, I decided to attend the gym every other day for three weeks and religiously follow my new programme! For sure I made mistakes, but that’s part of learning, right? 

The more I attended the gym the less I worried and the more I benefited. Step by step, day by day I grew in confidence. The worries and questions slowly began to fade. So, to answer the first four questions. The answer is, well, at least in my case. Take a leap of faith. A little discomfort and nerves shouldn’t get in the way of achieving a positive goal. Answering the last two questions is easy. Like anything, if you put the effort in you will receive the reward. Sure, I’ve had ups and downs but anything that you put effort into will. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been in the fitness industry for a fair old stint now. The two main benefits that continue to be so powerful and rewarding to me are the mental and physical improvements to my day to day life. This was and is the main reason I took a career within the fitness industry. It always surprises me how good I feel after a workout. Whether it a yoga, stretch, circuit or gym session.

I guess this blog is a small insight into my journey but also to let you know it’s ok to be nervous and unsure. It happens to us all! The jump is worth it and will, over time bring success physically and mentally.

Take your time and enjoy the journey. You can do this!